Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Up before Dawn?

When editing the labels of my posts, this one seemed to jump forward as a new post - it is actually from a year ago, and I certainly wasn't up at dawn today!

Today's Truly Good Woman focus is Proverbs 31 verse 15. 

In the traditional King James Version it says:
She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

And in the NIV version it is more helpfully translated as:
She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants. 

I myself much prefer the Message version as a 21st century understanding of the text:
She's up before dawn, preparing breakfast for her family and organizing her day.
by Steve-h

And all of that is even before discussing the text! I say I prefer it as if that is what I am doing, but as I checked the sunrise and sunset times I realised that I'm certainly not achieving that accolade (5am is a teensy bit early for me - and actually I'm quite glad. So well done to her, and I'm going to focus on the preparing breakfast (cup of tea and a bowl of cornflakes - sorted!) and organizing her day.
Now I realise that I'm still living in a rather luxurious existence with it just being myself and the Hubba - but I feel this ease actually makes me more lazy. I don't get up early because I don't have to, but in terms of organisation I do like to set the radio alarm to hear the news, I set the washing machine to have finished and the bread machine to have baked - so I may not be up but the house has been for a couple of hours. The joys of modern living hey?
What do people think of this? Do you have a routine? 
A friend of mine who already had two boys recently had twins, I expect she now has a military routine. I'd love to hear what yours is, please post a comment to share.

Liz xxx

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