Sunday, 8 January 2012

New Year's Resolution

I don't usually make a New year Resolution, because I know I'm likely to fail and then feel bad. This year however, I waited a few days until I returned to work and could think about how I want to get that better 'work-life-balance' that I have previously posted about.

So I've decided my New Year Resolution is to leave work earlier. As a primary school teacher I'm fortunate enough to leave work by 4pm, and although I definitely have say 2 hours more work each evening, I find I am far more productive doing it at home as I faff at school. I end up doing nothing much, till 6pm when school closes, perhaps fiddling with a display or moaning with a colleague about all the work to be done (!), and then low and behold, I still have the work to be done at home.
Three days out of 5 I will leave school at 4pm.

And I have resolved to go to bed earlier. A lot of health and well-being is wrapped up in getting enough sleep and I need at least 8 hours in order to feel my best.

Two years ago, when I last had a class responsibility, rather than just teaching dance like last year, I ran myself into the ground. I worked at least 70 hour weeks and had about 5 hours sleep each night - I did not feel good and had a mini break down.

I'm managing far better this year but I still need to look after myself as work as a teacher can be addictive  - the job is never finished.

Beauty sleep and a good work-life-balance - I'm looking forward to 2012.

Liz xxx

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Coffee Table Books

I love coffee table books. The promise of time whiled away with a favourite beverage while gazing through pages of beautiful photos is always to be looked forward to.
By [Clint] Clint McMahon

I don't actually have that many coffee table books, I find that they're a little bit of a luxury. Mostly I have bought them when travelling, or been given them as a gift when travelling, and indeed the charity shop is always a fantastic place to come across a rare find.

I even sometimes imagine the titles of Coffee Table Books that I should like to flick through. Whimsy titles might include 'Candy canes at Christmas', or one of an architectural interest might be 'Roofs across Italy'.

Indeed, time and money willing I could actually make these 'imagined' books. If I could afford a decent camera and travel the globe in search for candy canes or roofs in Italy so to take my own photos, I could then have them printed as a coffee table book by one the many photo printing websites.

One such site is, where you can make your own book, to book store quality and publish it on their website for others to buy. Something to consider anyway.

I might even make a  proverbs 31:10-31 book.

What would you make as your coffee table book?