Saturday, 30 October 2010

Autumn busy-ness

I've made a delicious jelly to add to my other Christmas foodie gifts stocking up in the pantry. I've used Bramley apples but and cooking apple will do.

 Mint and Apple Jelly
900g Bramley apples
granulated sugar
45ml chopped fresh mint

Makes 3 x 450g/1lb jars 

  1. Chop apples roughly and put in pan.
  2. Add enough water and cover, leave to simmer until soft.
  3. Pour all of the apples and water into a jelly bag, being careful not to squeeze the bag. Suspend the bag and place a bowl underneath over night.
  4. Measure the amount of juice that drains from the jelly bag. To every 600ml of juice, add 500g granulated sugar, and stir into the juice.
  5. Heat gently to dissolve the sugar then bring to the boil. Test for setting by pouring about 15ml onto a cold plate and allowing it to cool. If a wrinkle forms on the surface when pushed with a fingertip, the jelly is almost set. When a set is reached , leave the jelly to cool.
  6. Stir in the chopped mint and pour into sterilized jars using a jam funnel. 
The jelly will keep unopened for up to a year. Once opened , keep in the fridge and consume within a week.

If you've still got some apples from your own trees because they've kept so well from your wrapping them carefully, please let me know what you used. Thanks.

This was easy to make and while I waited for it to reach setting point I was able to rake the leaves outside!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This sounds delicious and very easy to make! Thanks for the recipe!!!