Monday, 18 October 2010

That Monday feeling

It doesn't seem to matter whether the weekend has been relaxing or super busy, Monday is always hard work.
I also have great intentions for Mondays, but should know by now, that I never feel like doing much at all on Monday eve.
Yet, here I was again this Monday evening, trying to do too much.

I came home from work and did some laundry, then I did some research for the cake I'm baking and decorating for my Hubba's 30th on Saturday. I next managed to talk my Hubby into getting the bus to his meeting this eve so that I could purchase said cake items and then join the Monday group of Croydon Running Sisters . All was going well, until, I discovered the final stretch of road on my way closed. So, not knowing the area well enough to find another route and without enough time, I decided to head back home.
I did think I might make my kitchen look a darn sight better than it does now...a few pans and plates adorn its counter-tops, I could also fit in a fitness video, as I am after all in the right clothes. However, before any of this I think I will update my blog and make some changes...

Several hours later...and I have totally changed it's layout, template and deleted its old posts.

Time for an early night...the kind that gives you beautiful skin? No, it's past that, however, I do have a blog that is finding it's niche.

How have I been a truly good woman today? I have kind of, as I let the Hubby have the car in the end ;-)

1 comment:

Anna said...

Hi Liz, Thanks for visiting my blog. Lovely to see yours. Another aspiring Proverbs 31 woman in the UK! I look forward to reading more.