Sunday 14 November 2010

Ang Sang Suu Kyi

It is with joy, hope and in prayer that I write this post about the release of Ang Sang Suu Kyi.
Ang Sang Suu Kyi is 'The woman who become an international symbol of peaceful resistance in the face of oppression.' See BBC news profile. 

I am so joyful that she has been released, that she is safe and that she is prepared to talk with the National groups in Burma. I hope that these talks are made possible and that there is a true and growing democracy in Burma. See BBC link. 

My further hope is for the release of the hundreds of other political prisoners in Burma. I cannot imagine the hardship that they are going through and hope that justice will be done. See BBC news item about Burma's political prisoners. 

Such prisoners are those of the Karen State. Karen people are subject to much abuse by the military Junta in Burma and many flee across the boarder to Thailand. Please see the links for more information on the Karen State and its people, but please note that much of the news is upsetting and some of the reports by the Free Burma Rangers are not appropriate for children.
Karen Human Rights Group
Free Burma Rangers

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